Perfect poker by Dominique Duvivier
450 :-
THE REALLY Perfect Poker demonstration!
- The spectators freely decide EACH card making up EACH of the five poker hands.
- The spectators are free to choose which poker hand the magician gets.
- The magician wins with four Aces!
- And he proves that he had predicted his entire poker hand in advance (which cards and in which order).
- And what's more, there is an incredible ending.
Strong points:
Very easy to do.
A real fooler!
Several routines are explained.
You are provided with:
- Cards specially printed by USPC in Bicycle Rider Back.
- Video explanations with lots of additions and bonuses.
What they think:
"Perfect Poker is really perfect! It seems absolutely impossible yet I know it can be done since I saw Mr. Duvivier do it! Ingenious."
- Bill Kalush
"It REALLY is perfect!!!"
- Christian Engblom