BY FORCES UNSEEN - Stephen Minch
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Rarely does card magic come along as strikingly original as that found in this book. When it first appeared in 1993, Ernest Earick's name was little known, and some questioned if the ground-breaking sleight-of-hand described could be done deceptively. The answer, of course, was YES, and By Forces Unseen became an underground classic. Out of print for years, copies have been snapped up, fetching prices of hundreds of dollars.
Among the effects taught in this truly remarkable volume you will find chosen cards that fly from the deck when you clap your hands, cards that materialize at your fingertips when someone concentrates on them, selections that pop from the middle of the pack with a flick of your wrist...and 17 other extraordinary events.
Behind the shimmering veil of magic you will discover a rich body of innovative sleight-of-hand that includes motionless one-handed bottom palms, slow-motion fingertip card steals, indetectable palm-to-palm transfers, refined riffle-shuffle work and more.
Seldom does one find a work of such determined invention and artistry. If you delight in baffling card magic and exquisite sleight-of-hand-in magic that puts you a running cut ahead of your competition-you'll want By Forces Unseen.
Pages 216 - Hardbound, Illustrated
"Ernest Earick's masterpiece 'By Forces Unseen' rocked the magic world when it was published. The innovative sleight of hand of this reclusive master captured the imagination of card magicians worldwide. Make no mistake -- the material is not easy. But this is a book of miracles. It's got my highest recommendation for the serious student of card magic." – Matthew Field
"I had the great pleasure of attending two of Ernest Earick's lectures. Ernest was quiet and unassuming, very friendly, and very open. His book, By Forces Unseen is a wonderful collection of new plots and new and original sleights that, while challengingly difficult, Ernest performed flawlessly." – Paul Cummins