Ultra Cane (Appearing Metal) Black
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The Ultra Cane (Black)
Produced by MAGICLISM
Perfection is what we seek.
After years of research and experiment, we have finally come up with this perfect appearing cane - the Ultra Cane.
It is lighter, smaller, stronger and comes in multiple colors.
The best appearing cane you will ever have.
Effect: The mage conjures a walking stick from nothing directly into his hand. It is also possible to transform a silk cloth or e.g. a rope for the cane. The possibilities are many!
As the mechanism for this product is relatively strong, Smoke and Mirrors recommends that the magician performing the Appearing Ultra Cane is 18 years old.
Lighter than other similar products.
Less when not in developed mode.
More colours
Long lasting quality.
Endless oppotunities